3333 Unique Twisted Trees NFTs
This is a crypto rewards earning project for community holders.
40% of mint and 33% of secondary sales will go to a community fund that is invested into interest earning crypto accounts
Doxed team based in the United States under Art Lynx Designs, LLC
Contract tested and verified (see Discord)
2 sold out small batch genesis collections with diamond hand holders (none listed below 3 Eth as of the date of this announcement)
Inspiration for Twisted Trees:
In 2008, the founder and artist had a vision of a blue butterfly while fasting and praying for his chronically ill daughter. Over the next 12 years, he and the family saw many tangible signs of the blue butterfly during their difficult journey. One such sign was when she received life-saving treatments at Nationwide Children's Hospital. Not long before her first visit there, the hospital had changed their logo to prominently feature a blue butterfly. There were miracles along the way, that preserved her life, until her passing in May, 2020. At the moment of her passing, there was an appearance of a blue butterfly.
In her memory, 5% of the mint funds will be donated to an orphanage in southern India where a playground is being built and named after her: Hannah's Hope.
For more details on this story, visit the Twisted Trees discord or see www.lifelynx.net