Starks Clan NFT on BSC
Total Supply: 3333
Mint Price: FREE
Starks were originally just an alien species that lived on the planet Kepler which later reproduced to become 3333 starks with different body parts and attributes.
Kepler 22b is where they came from, but something bad happened, they had to be torn apart because of a power struggle. Those who fight for power and disobey Kepler's traditions must get off the planet Kepler.
There are now 5 starks clan namely Kepler, Gliese, Delphini, Pegasi, and Cygni. Even though they were divided into 5 clans, they all participated in the intergalactic agreement and united against the largest dynasty in the solar system, namely Andromedae ????
Then who are the inhabitants of the Andromedae dynasty?