Mutant Max is an exciting new collection of NFTs featuring unique and visually stunning digital artwork. Mutant Max is the first in a series of 14 NFT collections, to be released on the Cardano blockchain as part of the Mutant Max chronicles.
Max is a 7-year-old boy who is turned into a mutant and transported to a far-off land and time by a mysterious unexplained force. Follow along as the story unfolds and Max searches for his family...
As Max finds each of his family members, the story will continue, and a new NFT collection featuring that family member will be released. In addition to the release of the newly found family member NFT, a limited edition portrait NFT (1000) of Max and the newly found family member will also be released. To mint the limited edition portraits, you will need to own at least 1 Mutant Max NFT and at least 1 NFT of the family member in the portrait with Max and have them in your wallet at the time of minting. To mint the limited edition family portrait NFT (100), released at the end of the story, you will need to own at least 1 NFT of each family member (including Max) and at least 1 NFT of each portrait of family members with Max!
Drop dates for newly found family member NFTs and limited edition portrait NFTs will be announced on Twitter (make sure to follow us) and in our Discord announcements channel.
Price to mint - only 18 Ada!
Don't miss out on the chance to own this unique, one-of-a-kind digital asset! Support independent artists and add a new dimension to your collection.
At Mutant Max, we believe in using our platform to make a positive impact on the world. That's why we're proud to donate all profits from the sale of our NFT collections to charitable causes chosen by the Mutant Max community. We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a better future, and we're committed to doing our part. By purchasing a Mutant Max NFT, you're not only supporting our project and the talented artists who bring our characters to life, but you're also helping to make a difference in the world. Join us in our mission to create positive change through art and community.
Mutant Max NFTs are made with love for the Cardano community and all the lost souls out there...
Wow, I'm really excited to see the buzz around the Mutant Max project growing! As an NFT enthusiast, I love the immersive storytelling experience that this project offers, and the fact that it's all built on the Cardano blockchain. And with the Mutant Max team's commitment to giving back to charitable causes, it's clear that they're not only creating amazing NFTs, but also making a positive impact on the world. I can't wait to see what's in store for the future of Mutant Max!