Legendary Safuu Club is the first NFT project to be introduced by Legendary Labs
The creators of LSC NFT’s are die-hard Safuu believers.
As LSC holders we believe that :
Safuu protocol has delivered proof that rebasing can be sustainable when coupled with the right execution and mechanisms in place to maintain price.
The idea of LSC is born to become the largest “Whale Wallet” and reward holders weekly with the rebases in giveaways.
Legendary Labs understands that not everyone can afford to be a Safuu Whale … by becoming a LSC Community NFT Holder you will be the biggest whale now .. and are automatically enrolled in weekly Safuu giveaways !
LSC NFT Holders will have much more benefit in the upcoming future with the Launch of SafuuX and our NFT Marketplace on the Worlds First rebasing blockchain.
The NFT’s that let you WIN BIG every week !
LSC NFT’s are made for the SAFUU Community and others, by the Safuu community!
Let’s become WALLET NUMBER #4 TOGETHER !!!
This project is going to be amazing!!!