Lady Lileth is a generative art, pfp, staking project by @MaddoxGallery signed artist,@GracelandLondon
There are 3 staking pools with different rewards.
The most prized is an NFT portrait of you!
Mint starts Tue 25 Oct! Join discord for WL or check thread below for mint details
Phase 1 mint: 25.10.22
- 0.08 eth
Available to:
- Graceland London Artwork Holders/Owners
- Beverly Hells Mansion Holders
Phase 2 mint: 27.10.22
- 0.1 eth
Available to:
- All Phase 1 Minters
- Other Community Allow Lists
- Discord OG’s
Phase 3 mint: 28.10.22
- 0.2 eth
Open To All!
Reveal is on Halloween!
Check Discord for more details!