Echelon Cipher – C-SHOX presents a feather in the cap NFT collection
This is a self designing NFT Digital Watch Collection that tells real world time and lives on the Ethereum network. This project comes with a ready to utilize DApp where holders of the watch collection may only utilize.
There are 5 main aspects of the DApp:-
1) Users can utilize the watch in-app and tell real world time, date & an owner wallet-ticker is present. Design the Watch to your own taste and sign one(1) upload of that design-data which will be stored on our IPFS server overlapping the genesis skin. There are also in-app skins that users can change from time to time to suit their personal preferences.
2) Users will have to connect via Metamask to call the C-SHOX token, holders may also then buy/sell/trade directly on OpenSea via our DApp browser.
3) Gain access to Cipher-Market and secure limited goodies/merchandise that are offered.
4) Gain access to our holders only Forum where latest Crypto-NFT related matters can be discussed.
5) Utilize the AR function via mobile phone camera and see the watch preview on your hand. (currently still working to bring this function into our DApp)
Join us on our journey and future live updates in Discord.